EASIER recognized by the EC’s Innovation Radar

The collaborative efforts and achievements of the EASIER consortium have once again been appreciated by the European Commission, with several project outputs spotlighted by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar as key innovations with significant market potential. This recognition highlights our joint commitment to driving forward technological advancements that make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

The four innovations for which the EASIER consortium members have been recognized are:

  • “3D skeletal extraction, hand pose estimation and facial expression, mouth gestures, and mouthing, as well as affect analysis from improving sign language translations” developed by the University of Surrey and Martel,
  • “Improved avatar technology incorporating mouthing and prosody for deaf users” developed by the European Union of the Deaf, Athena Research Center, and Martel,
  • “Tools capable to detect emotional arousal in the user’s speech” developed by the University of Zurich, audEERING, and Martel, and,
  • “Novel tool for human interpretation with avatar presentation and post-editing” developed by SWISS TXT and Athena Research Center.

The European Commission’s Innovation Radar has categorized the four innovations as being in the “Exploring” phase of market maturity. This classification indicates that while the technologies are still being developed, they show promising potential to fulfill market demands and address existing needs. The innovations have been further recognized for their ability to meet the requirements of current markets, highlighting their relevance and applicability.

The details of the innovations will be featured on the European Commission’s Innovation Radar platform, which showcases over 11,000 EU-funded innovations, providing a unique opportunity to attract global attention, forge new partnerships, and stimulate interest from potential investors.

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